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Waterproofing Mistakes You Might Be Making

The water that helps in strengthening the foundation of a home can also be the cause of damaging the structural integrity of the same home. You know what they say, excess of anything is bad. This is especially true regarding water that seeps into the home and damages the foundation from within, endangering the lives of the occupants in the buildings. This is why it is essential to get a timely estimate of the water situation in your home by a professional waterproofing company in Virginia, like A AAction waterproofing. 

Although, we would always recommend a professional service over you trying to take the headache of waterproofing your home by yourself. If you would prefer to go with the latter, allow us to briefly discuss some waterproofing mistakes that you might be making in the process:


It doesn’t take long for excess water to show it signs of damage in the nooks and corners of the house with walls scrapping, drywall peeling, strange musty odor and the basement damping in the area affected by the mold growth. Ignoring these signs can be detrimental in the long run. If your home has a history of easy leaking or plumbing issues in the basement, we would suggest getting it inspected by a basement waterproofing company in Virginia. 


Of all the places, overlooking a damp basement is very common until the problem becomes severe to a dangerous level. Have you noticed foundation cracks in the walls of your basement, or is there a white chalky substance in the crawl space of the basement? These are a clear indication of the damp basement, which, if not attended at the right time, can cause basement flooding, or worse, damaging the foundation of the home. 


How the soil slopes depends on the direction of the soil which matters a lot in determining how well the foundation of the home stands throughout the time. Soil needs to be sloped outside and away from home. Lack of sloping can lead to water leaking inside the basement and home which can result in foundation and basement sogging problems. 


By looking at the home improvement video tutorials, taking waterproofing in your own hands might seem easy but such is not the case. Waterproofing requires training, knowledge and skills of using the right tools and technology to fix the problem for good. Cheap fixes are not going to solve the problem but your lack of knowledge might make matters worse. Also, by hiring a professional waterproofing company in Virginia, you will significantly save on time and money which you would otherwise drain on unnecessary tools. 


Just because a company or handyman is quoting a price that is lower than the standard rates doesn’t mean that the other professional companies are cheating you. They are offering you dependability and quality, which a local handyman cannot guarantee. The professional waterproofing companies have trained and experienced technicians who aim at fixing the problem for good. So never make the mistake of compromising quality just for a lower price. 


If you have finally decided to let a waterproofing company repair the leaking or basement damping issues in your home, then it is essential to note that the decision is not made in haste. There are certain things that you should never overlook in your search for the right waterproofing company:

  • Training
  • Credentials
  • Experience
  • Review
  • Cost

A decision made in haste will lead to losing not just money but also further degrading the existing foundation problem in your house, threatening its structural integrity. 

If you have noticed excessive water damage signs in the corners or area of your home, we would suggest you reach out to A AActionwaterproofing for a free estimate of the situation to realize what needs to be done at the earliest to fix the problem for good.

This entry was posted in Waterproofing on December, 23, 2019