How Water Enters In Through Your Basement
Water can enter a basement in many different ways, and these will often not be seen by the naked eye. Basements rest underground, the same ground used to absorb water during rain storms or snow melts, and any small crack or space will allow this water to travel from the ground and into your home through these cracks, spaces, or holes in your basement area. At AA Action Waterproofing, we work hard to find these spaces which allow water to come through, and we make sure they remain sealed to stop water from seeping in in the future, thereby saving yourself from having to deal with expensive mold removal and property damage later on.
The 5 most common ways that water enters your basement are:
- Between the foundation and wall footing – Where the foundation meets the floor of your basement is a common place for water to seep through. In these instances, water will begin to rise from the floor area of your basement and cause moisture to accumulate under carpeting or on your basement flooring. In these instances, a sump pump will often help to lower your risk of basement flooding and improve waterproofing.
- Small spaces around steel foundation ties – When the foundation of your home was being poured, small steel ties were probably used to create the foundation’s form, and these ties will often cause small spaces to be present within your foundation itself. Through these spaces, water may be able to seep through your foundation and find itself into your basement.
- Cold poured wall joints – Much like the steel foundation ties, cold poured wall joints will often have small spaces present. In these instances, the walls may seem as if they’re “weeping” during a rainstorm or snow melt, allowing moisture to enter in through their surface.
- Foundation cracks – As foundations age, and as the earth expands and contracts with the changing of the seasons, cracks will begin to form. Through these cracks, water will be able to seep into the basement of the home and leave a moist presence perfect for mold or mildew growth.
- Windows – Windows within basements allow air flow to improve and they allow light to come in, but along with light and air, they may also allow in water as well. Keeping windows properly sealed is the best way to avoid water seeping in through these structures and to keep your basement dry.