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Water Damage

What Should You Do If Your Basement Floods?

What Should You Do If Your Basement Floods?While there are a number of precautions home and building owners can take to minimize the possibility of basement floods, sometimes extraordinary circumstances may still cause just such an event to occur. An actual flood situation, an excessive snow melt, extremely heavy rains, or even a burst water pipe can overwhelm certain mechanisms designed to fend off smaller causes of flooding, leaving you with a flooded basement. If such a thing happens to you, you should be aware that you are in a potentially dangerous situation, and you should act accordingly to maximize the safety of anyone in the home or building. Here are a few of the things you should keep in mind if you encounter a flooded basement. Continue reading →

The Damp Basement Dilemma

The Damp Basement DilemmaWith leaky or flooded basements, the problem is easy to spot; liquid water is getting into your basement, usually through a crack in the walls and/or foundation of the building. But when a basement is damp, and there doesn’t appear to be any likely place for water to get in, how and why does this happen? And more importantly, is there anything you can do about it? Continue reading →

Summer Precipitation And The State Of Your Home

Summer Precipitation And The State Of Your HomeMarylanders know how precipitation can affect the state of their home, but many don’t realize just what types of precipitation to look out for, and when they should be looking out for it. When it comes to summer precipitation, summer thunderstorms and late summer hurricane are often the most devastating, and it’s never too late to get your home protected. Continue reading →

3 Common Causes Of A Flooded Basement

3 Common Causes Of A Flooded BasementFlooded basements are expensive, devastating, and a big headache, but one question that we get at AA Action Waterproofing pretty often is “Why does my basement flood?” Basement flooding can be caused by a whole myriad of reasons, but we want to outline a few of the most common in the Maryland region, and what we may be able to do to stop it from happening to you. Continue reading →

Keeping Your Home Up With Changing Times

Keeping Up With Changing TimesFor homeowners along the east coast, general maintenance of the property just goes with the territory. While most residents make a habit of thoroughly attending to routine tasks which keep the home stable and safe, there are still considerations that are frequently overlooked. Basement flooding can be one such issue that can lead to extensive damages and costly repairs, but could also be prevented. Continue reading →

East Coast Shouldn’t Negate Preventing Flood

Good News For The East Coast Should Not Negate The Importance Of PreventionAlthough the projected forecast for storm activity in the Gulf region is considerably higher for this year, the Atlantic coast is expected to enjoy a season that has much less of a threat for hurricanes making landfall on the east coast. This will come as a considerable relief for residents on the shore, since it will mean less emergency protocols and a greater ability to relax through the summer weather. Continue reading →

Mold & Basement Leak Clean Up Or Prevention?

Clean Up Or Prevention?Most people in this world do try to adopt a positive attitude towards life. While this can include actions that are as simple as just showing gratitude for kindness or beauty in the environment, this can also extend to just trying to ignore all the negativity. For many people, these changes in perspective can lead to positive results, but sometimes ignoring negativity can also lead to disasters from lack of awareness. Continue reading →

Preserving Memories, And The Home

Preserving Memories, And The HomeWater damage can present some of the most devastating effects on a person’s home and possessions. Most frequently, when Maryland residents think about this possibility, they consider all of the financial aspects that are involved in clean up and repair. However, while all possessions do have value, they do not always have value in the same way. This can become a major motivation to take preventive action against basement leaks and flooding. Continue reading →