Finding water pooling in the basement will easily send any homeowner into a panic. Whether you use the space for storage, living, play, or exercise, it’s hard not to feel a little helpless when you’ve found a flooded basement. Continue reading →
It’s every homeowner’s nightmare: you walk downstairs to grab something, only to find a pool of water on the floor. Whether you fear finding just a few inches of water or you’re imagining feet of water soaking all of your belongings, neither is that great. If your nightmare happens to become a reality, though, there are luckily a few steps you can take to handle the problem. Continue reading →
A powerful storm at the end of January earlier this year blanketed inland regions of the mid-Atlantic with several feet of snow. Meanwhile, the same storm, unofficially dubbed Snowzilla, was creating massive flooding conditions along the coast that eroded much of the Atlantic shoreline. Continue reading →
Having a flooded basement is something no homeowner wants to deal with. Unfortunately, this is something that most homeowners in the northeastern United States have to deal with on a somewhat regular basis. Once a heavy rainstorm commences, water around the foundation is able to enter into the basement of your home, causing damage to furniture, and appliances. Most importantly, it can also be detrimental to your well-being as it acts as an electrocution hazard. Continue reading →
A sump pump is an integral part of any basement waterproofing system. Sump pumps are crucial to preventing your basement from flooding. Most modern homes are equipped with a sump pump. However sump pumps can wear with years of use, so if you own an older home you may need to have a sump pump installed or want to have your sump pump replaced with a newer model. Continue reading →
A beautiful home comes with great landscaping. Before you choose how you will landscape your yard, you should consider how landscaping can impact the structural integrity of your home. Poor landscaping choices can cause severe damage and cost you a lot of money. There are several ways landscaping can impact your home, here are a few to keep in mind. Continue reading →
Water damage is more difficult to spot when your basement is finished. In a finished basement, the poured concrete surfaces are covered with drywall or paneling and flooring which hide the tell tale signs of water damage. Since there is a lot of money invested in a finished basement, routinely checking for water damage can protect your investment. Continue reading →
Gutters are an important part of a home’s waterproofing system. Gutters work to direct water away from your home. They help prevent flooding, water leaks, and the buildup of moisture inside your house. Therefore, maintaining your gutters can help protect your home. Here are three simple ways to maintain your gutters to keep them working great. Continue reading →
In a bad storm, there are two municipal systems than can back up and flood your basement. The first storm water, comes from when the city storm drains cannot handle the amount of rain and the water backs up in your home. The second is sewer water. Like storm water flooding, sewer water backs up when the sewage systems become flooded from too much rain. Continue reading →
Basement leaks can be caused by a number of sources. The most common of these is surface water leaks. Surface water leaks come from water outside entering your home because of poor exterior drainage. Water seepage from a single location or water draining down your walls can be the sign of a surface water leak. If you notice one of these leaks there’s a few places you can check to find the source. Continue reading →