You may not think of your basement as anything other than a place to store disused items and family heirlooms. But your basement is whole floor of your home. Why let it go to waste when with a relatively small investment, you can put this often overlooked room to use for you and your family. Flooded basements are especially a problem this year with the polar vortex and brutal winter that’s been hitting Maryland, Virginia and the northeast. By taking the time to waterproof your basement, you can turn your musty storage area in a vibrant, functional living area and increase the value of your home. Continue reading →
With the polar vortex plaguing Maryland and the rest of the Northeast, it’s difficult to think about anything except the mind-numbing cold. But as we work our way through winter and into warmer temperatures, you should definitely be aware of the risk of basement flooding and its possible causes. In this post, we’ll examine these causes and what you do to prevent this very costly occurrence. Here are the top 3 causes of basement flooding and what you can do to prevent it.
1. Freezing And Thawing Continue reading →
When it comes to your home, you’re probably willing to go to great lengths to protect it and maintain its value. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. There are several steps you can take to safeguard your home from damage. One area you definitely don’t want to overlook is water damage. Water leakage can cause multiple problems, and lead to very expensive repairs. But fortunately, you can prevent many of these issues by taking a key step to head off problems before they start. Continue reading →
If you’re like most home owners, your basement is probably the least-visited room of your house. It’s most likely poorly lit, and musty smelling and crammed with your little-used possessions and family heirlooms. Because you may not be paying as much attention to it as you do other rooms in your house, disaster could be lurking with you none the wiser. Cracks in the foundation and basement walls may be letting in water into your basement from thawing snow that came to your area courtesy of the polar vortex. The bitter, arctic air could freeze your pipes and cause them to burst. Sewer lines could back up and spew filth into your home, potentially costing thousands of dollars in clean up. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent the costly scenario of flooded basements, and improve the value of your home in the process. Continue reading →
When it comes to your home, your basement is probably often overlooked. After all, it’s most likely used for storage of little-used items and furniture, and is infrequently visited. But the source of costly repairs could be lurking in this often overlooked room. With the brutal polar vortex that’s been plaguing the northeast, your basement could be quietly leaking and damaging your home and possessions without your knowing it. Water can get into your basement from a variety of sources. In this post, we’ll look at them and how AA Action Waterproofing can help you protect your most valuable asset with basement waterproofing.
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Your basement can be a useful room of your home, providing storage and even living space. But if not properly prepared, it can flood and be an endless source of headaches and a huge money sink. In this post, we’ll look at the chief cause of flooded basements and what you can do to prevent this from occurring in your home. We’ll also look at the consequences of not taking preventive measures to prevent flooded basements.
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The entire eastern US has been suffering from the Polar Vortex and its arctic cold, heavy snow, and frigid ice. Throughout DC, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey, and Maryland, this winter has been a rough one and more snow is likely to be on the way after winter storm PAX has its way with us. AA Action Waterproofing has seen hard weather before, and we know it can be difficult to think about anything other than your family’s warmth and safety during the cold months. But taking the time to learn more about your home is important as well, and a quick review of some of the key reasons you need basement waterproofing is worth doing.
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The DC area and surrounding states including Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and even New Jersey have all spent this winter fighting the polar vortex. Between subzero temperatures and big snowfalls, it’s hard to think about anything else. But you still need to make sure your home is in good shape, and one thing to consider is that ignoring some basic preventative steps could lead to major problems like flooded basements.
AA Action Waterproofing can help, and we want you to know that even in the heart of winter it’s still worth thinking about some ways that you can prevent flooded basements. First, you need to understand the number one cause of basement floods following the winter months – a one-two combo consisting of freezing and thawing.
This freeze-thaw combo can have serious effects on your basement’s moisture level. Here’s how the two things go together to wreak havoc on some homes.
• The Freeze – When things freeze, they expand. That includes water. Even a hairline crack in your basement can allow a few drops of water inside. And if those drops of water freeze, they’ll expand. That means that they’ll put extra pressure on the foundation – often from within it. This can lead to worse cracks that will potentially allow water to flood into the basement Continue reading →
Thanks to the polar vortex that’s pummeling the country and the fact that areas in Maryland, Virginia, DC, Delaware, and the rest of the East Coast are all in the path of constant weather fronts, it’s hard to ignore the need to start getting your home prepared for the cold, wet weather. And while things like insulation, heating oil, and even the much-laughed about trip to the grocery store for provisions are all part of preparing for winter, there’s one aspect of getting your home ready that is often overlooked.
Specifically, waterproofing your basement is something that is regularly ignored during the cold months. It’s not hard to see why – the last thing on your mind is usually whether or not your basement is waterproofed properly when you’re dealing with heavy snows, cold weather, and more. But basement waterproofing is important to consider, and at AA Action Waterproofing we think it’s important that you understand why preventing problems is a better option than any other out there.
The primary reason that you can’t afford to ignore the importance of including basement waterproofing in your winter weather prep plans is simple – money. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand just how much a serious repair can cost, and when damage is done by leaking basements, repairs can Continue reading →
Thanks to Mother Nature and the ferocity of the 2014 polar vortex, those in the northeast region have gotten to experience an incredibly wild winter. And it isn’t over yet – we’re still months away from spring. From Virginia to Delaware, DC to New Jersey, people have taken the time to keep their homes a little warmer and their families safe from the elements. There’s one thing you may not be considering, however – your basement.
At AA Action Waterproofing, we understand that there are lots of other issues to deal with. But it’s important to avoid basement flooding this winter, especially when you consider the damage that flooded basements can cause. Issues can include:
• Water removal services
• Mold remediation
• Water damage repair
• Foundation repair
• And more
And those issues can all lead to health problems, serious stress, and a lot of money out of your pocket. Preventing flooded basements is an easier option, and there are a few things you can do to prevent them. Some of the following tips you can handle on your own, while others will need to be handled by professionals. But all of them can help you keep your home’s basement or crawlspace dry this winter and prevent a nasty surprise from happening to you.
• Insulate Continue reading →