Every day, no matter whether you are awake or asleep, and regardless of the weather outside, your home’s foundation faces a significant threat.
Most homeowners do not realize that even when the sun is shining, they may be dealing with a form of flooding that can compromise the cleanliness of their residential air and the safety of their structure. Continue reading →
The weather has been more intense lately, and homeowners need to take particular care to protect their residential property. Many homeowners throughout the five states we service have found a little bit of prevention can help them save thousands — especially when the alternative is relying on insurance companies with prolonged and complicated claims processes. Continue reading →
The foundation of a home or other structure is extremely important, as it is the foundation that keeps the building sturdy, stable, and safe. When cracks or other damages appear in one’s foundation, it is crucial that these problems be repaired quickly before they worsen, and the longer a person may wait the more expensive and complicated they can expect their repair to be. With some more visible foundations, cracks and damage can be easy to see, however this is not universally the case. There are various things a homeowner can keep an eye out for to ensure their foundation remains in optimal condition. Continue reading →
Foundation damages and cracks are most commonly caused by soil movement, and soil can be moved easily by various weather occurrences. The polar vortexes experienced by much of the country, and certainly the east coast, this past winter were undeniably brutal, and while they undoubted your mood, your travel, and your daily plans, they may have affected your home’s foundation as well.
As weather temperatures change, the ground affected by snow, ice, or extreme cold will contract and expand. This is most commonly seen when potholes begin to pop up during the winter months, and this same process can lead to damage to the foundation of your home. The contraction and expansion of the ground around your home during extreme cold and heat can lead the soil to move dramatically, which undoubtedly takes a toll on the structure of your building. Continue reading →
Your home is probably your most valuable asset, so it make sense that you would take whatever steps are necessary to protect it. You have smoke alarms, locks on the doors, and maybe even a security system to deter intruders. But did you know that your home’s safety may in jeopardy without your knowledge? A damaged foundation can undermine the very structural stability of your home, and can cause multiple secondary issues, like flooded basements, cracks in your foundation and basement, and even devaluation of your home. But fortunately, you don’t have to live with this threat. There are steps you can take to stop foundation damage before it occurs and to repair it if damage does actually happen. Continue reading →
Since your home is your most valuable asset, it makes sense that you’ll want to make sure that it’s in the best shape possible. Regular inspections of your property are useful to make sure that all is well, and that any potential problems are addressed before they become serious issues that could cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars. One thing in particular to watch for is a degraded foundation. If left unchecked, a damaged foundation could allow leaks to occur, resulting in flooded basements, and creating the need for mold remediation. Also, a damaged foundation could result in structural damage to your home, and adversely affect market value. Continue reading →
The polar vortex and endless winter have taken their toll on Maryland, Virginia and the northeast. The constant freezing and thawing have made everyone long for spring and warmer temperatures. But the spring thaw could bring with it an unpleasant surprise in the form of cracks in your foundation walls. These in turn could lead to flooded basements or even structural instability. This could require expensive repairs and diminish the value of your home should you choose to put it on the market. Fortunately, you can prevent damage to your foundation and save yourself thousands of dollars with some preventive measures that are far easier to implement than a costly foundation repair.
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If you’re like the majority of people living in the northeast, you’ve probably spent the winter of 2014 fighting the cold, the snow, and the ice. Plenty of us have been stuck inside because of bad weather, and most have focused their efforts on making sure that their home is heated, dry, and safe for their family. From Virginia to Delaware and beyond, the polar vortex probably isn’t done with us yet. And making sure that every part of your home is in good shape is still a must. That includes your foundation, and there are 2 big reasons you need to keep your foundation in the best shape possible even during the winter months. Continue reading →
Winter is here, and isn’t letting up. With the Polar Vortex and record setting snowfall in areas like New Jersey, Virginia, and elsewhere in the northeast, it’s easy to spend your time focusing on shoveling out of the severe weather. But while you’re focused on clearing your driveway or driving to work, another problem may be occurring in your home that you aren’t even thinking about – foundation damage and basement moisture issues.
For most, foundation repair isn’t something that is even considered until problems like mold or leaking are noticeable. But in reality, you can take some steps during the winter that will help prevent problems throughout the year. Continue reading →
Spring seems like it’s a long way off, considering that the northeast has been getting hit by winter storm after winter storm. But eventually the polar vortex will leave us, and the weather will turn warmer again. Of course, that doesn’t mean that everything will go back to normal for everyone. One of the worst issue that can happen in the spring is the visit to the basement only to find that serious issues have happened over the winter. At AA Action Waterproofing, we respond to many calls from clients who have found flooded basements and worse following the winter.
The winter freeze/thaw is the big cause of these issues, and it can lead to some very real problems. There are plenty of ways to repair your foundation and get it back to normal, but preventing foundation repair before it is needed is a much better option. Here are the top reasons to prevent foundation repair – they’re obvious in most cases, but still worth a review.
1. Cost – For starters, it’s cheaper to take preventative steps than it is to do a full repair. Even when winter is in full swing, it’s possible to complete waterproofing and other preventative measures that will help you dodge the much higher repair bills that could come down the road. Continue reading →