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Structural Damage

Why A Little Basement Seepage Is A Big Problem

Why A Little Basement Seepage Is A Big ProblemObviously, heading down into your basement and finding it flooded with water would send you into panic mode. You’ll likely be worried about your belongings, the state of your home, and you’ll fear the amount of damage and how much it will cost you. But funny enough, when people see small leaks they often just mop them up and move on with their day, not worrying at all about the bigger problems it could lead to. Continue reading →

What Are French Drains?

What Are French Drains?Have you ever heard of a French drain? If not, maybe you’ve heard of a weeping tile, perimeter drain, land drain, or French ditch. These are all one in the same, referring to a particular type of draining system installed in yards. French drains rely on gravity and a slope to operate, which can be created when the system is installed on the property. If your home has an area around it that sometimes becomes saturated with water, you might want to consider this method to help keep your home dry. Continue reading →

What To Look For In A Good Sump Pump

What To Look For In A Good Sump PumpSump pumps are devices that will remove water from around your home and manage exterior water runoff. It’s a handy way to prevent water from ever getting too close to your foundation or even leaking into your basement, causing permanent structural damage. They’re especially useful for places that experience lots of rain or for homes that are built in low-lying areas. Here are some practical tips so that you can get the best sump pump for your home: Continue reading →

What To Consider Before Buying Rain Barrels

What To Consider Before Buying Rain BarrelsHave you ever heard of rain barrels before? Sometimes called a rainwater tank, water barrels are just that—barrels—and they usually rest by the side of a building to collect rainwater. This water can then be used later for other things, such as gardening or washing cars. For those who like to be especially conscious of the resources they use, harvesting water with a rain barrel seems like a great option with no downsides. Continue reading →

How To Drain Water Away From Your Home

how-to-drain-water-away-from-your-homeYou might feel like your basement is simply at the whim of the weather and the best thing you can do is make sure your pipes don’t leak and that your windows are sealed. Maryland weather can certainly cause some damage to basements, with the humid, rainy summers and winters filled with snow. But part of keeping your basement dry also entails getting the precipitation that does fall to get away from the base of your home. Draining water away from the area around your house decreases your chances of water ever getting near your foundation. Continue reading →

How Does Radon Enter The Home?

How Does Radon Enter The Home?Radon is sometimes referred to as a “silent killer.” You can’t see it, you can’t smell it, and you can’t taste it, but if you’re exposed to it you might be dealing with rather severe health problems. Continue reading →

What Never To Do With A Wet Basement

What Never To Do With A Wet BasementWe often discuss how you should deal with a wet basement, giving you the best tips and insider tricks to keep your home dry. But there are a couple of things that you should never do when you find you have a leaky basement. Doing any one of these things can cause major problems, so make sure to avoid them all! Continue reading →

So You Want To Buy A Home With A Leaky Basement?

So You Want To Buy A Home With A Leaky Basement?You’ve been searching for months—maybe years, even!—and you’ve found it: your dream home. It’s just as you imagined. It’s got the fence around a wide, open yard, you get a nice, roomy bedroom, and there’s plenty of space for the kids to play. But there’s just one tiny issue: the basement is leaking. Continue reading →

Weather That Can Cause Damage To Your Basement

Weather That Can Cause Damage To Your BasementWeather will naturally wear down your home over time—it’s an expected thing and routine maintenance is simply part of being a homeowner. But there are actually a few things that you can do to prevent damage, with the most significant one being basement waterproofing. Waterproofing your basement doesn’t just give you a nice, dry space to store belongings or set up a t.v. room. A dry basement means a happy home overall. Continue reading →

Exterior Waterproofing Versus Interior Waterproofing

Exterior Waterproofing Versus Interior WaterproofingAs you search around for the best basement waterproofers in Maryland, you may start to wonder this: what is the difference between exterior waterproofing and interior waterproofing? Is one better than the other? What is best for your home? Here are the main things you should know to discern between the two. Continue reading →