It feels like it happens overnight. One day you’re walking through the house and everything is fine, and the next day you feel like Alice in Wonderland traipsing through a crooked house. What’s going on? Evidently, your walls are starting to bow. Continue reading →
Do you love doing home repairs and renovations? Lots of people enjoy updating their homes or fixing things around the house—after all, it’s part of being a homeowner! You can add personal touches and make unique changes that will turn your home into a more beautiful and more comfortable place to live. Continue reading →
With almost 30 years in the business of basement waterproofing, mold remediation, and foundation repair, we’ve seen the good and the bad, the leaky basement to the completely flooded basement, and the minor issues to complete foundation repair. And when clients come to us, we sometimes hear common myths—especially for foundation repair. We’ve decided it’s time to set the record straight and let you know the truth about this procedure. Continue reading →
Let’s say you’re given the choice between waterproofing your basement or simply making a few repairs and hoping everything goes smoothly in the next year. For the person who waterproofs their basement, they’ll put money towards the project, have a professional like us come in and take care of the entire project, and then they will have a lifetime guarantee for a beautiful and dry basement. The person who decides to make a few simple home repairs, though, is gambling with their home, their most valued possession. Continue reading →
When people are figuring out ways to keep their basement nice and dry throughout the year, they often look inside. They try to patch cracks in the walls, they fix leaky pipes, undergo mold remediation, and hire skilled contractors such as AA Action Waterproofing to improve the quality of their home. However, it’s rare to look upwards and outwards and realize that the gutters to your home actually play an important role in keeping your basement dry. Continue reading →
Home repair is an expensive and time-intensive process. When you’re looking into hiring a contractor for a project, you want to know you’re hiring the right person or company. After all, your house is one of the most expensive things you own! But how in the world do you even start to find someone that is reliable and cost-efficient? Here are a few tips for finding the best in the business to work on your home. Continue reading →
The foundation is the most structurally important part of your home. Whether it’s a slab, pier and beam, crawlspace, or basement, the foundation is in direct contact with the soil underneath the home and is designed to transfer the weight of the entire home to the soil. Continue reading →
“You have a foundation problem.” It’s a phrase that haunts homeowner’s nightmares. It sounds terrifying, and worst of all, it sounds like it’s going to be expensive to fix.
Most modern homes are built on concrete foundations. Although a complete foundation replacement can be extremely expensive, there is a technique called piering that can be used to repair a sinking foundation that is comparatively cheap. In fact, it can be up to ten times cheaper than a complete foundation replacement. Continue reading →
It’s the middle of a hot, muggy Mid-Atlantic summer. You’re sitting on your screened porch with a glass of tea filled to the brim with ice. The outside of the glass is not just foggy, it is dripping, water droplets falling into other water droplets, forming even bigger droplets that cascade down to a pool of water on the table. Continue reading →
Is your basement wet all the time? Have you tried patching cracks and gaps and airing out your basement to no avail? Unfortunately, this might mean that you have a groundwater problem. Continue reading →