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Foundation Repair

The Importance Of Early Foundation Repair

The Importance Of Early Foundation RepairThe health of a home’s foundation can effect a great deal within the structure, and this means that it can have an impact on not just flooding or moisture within your home, but the need for additional repairs as well. At AA Action Waterproofing, we know all about the importance of a healthy foundation for any structure, and we perform foundation repairs on all types of homes to keep them in good, and dry, working condition.

In order to avoid the more costly repairs of serious foundation problems, it’s always best to look for early warning signs pointing to the need for foundation repair. By spotting these early warning signs, you’ll be able to save a great deal of money by avoiding the more serious repairs needed when these issues are allowed to continue, and we at AA Action Waterproofing want to provide you with these important signs to look out for: Continue reading →

How To Know When Your Foundation Is In Need Of Repair

How To Know When Your Foundation Is In Need Of RepairAt AA Action Waterproofing, one of the most common home ailments we see in conjunction with moisture or flooded basements is the need for foundation repair. For those who aren’t well versed in home maintenance, spotting a need for foundation repair before it becomes a larger problem can be difficult, but we want to inform our customers on how they can know when it may be time for a repair before it’s too late. The top 5 ways that you can tell your home may be in need of a foundation repair are: Continue reading →

The Toll Cold Weather Takes On Your Foundation

The Toll Cold Weather Takes On Your FoundationThe foundation of your home can be considered your structure’s core, as the health of the foundation will directly affect the health of all parts of your home. A weakened or damaged foundation can cause your walls to crack, your ceilings to slope, and your basement to flood, allowing multiple problems to plague you as they all stem from one single underlying issue. At AA Action Waterproofing, we also know what type of toll a cold winter weather season can take on your foundation, which is why we recommend having your foundation checked and repaired before the start of another snowy cold weather season. Continue reading →

Structural Repairs And Stopping Leaks

Structural Repairs And Stopping LeaksDamages in your home’s structure will often lead to the need for structural repair, as these damages will allow water to seep through and get into your home causing mold or mildew growth. The most common forms of structural repair we see at AA Action Waterproofing are foundation cracks and damages to retaining walls, and we work to fix these structural damages in order to waterproof your home and allow moisture to remain outdoors where it belongs. Continue reading →

Winter Storms And Your Foundation

Winter Storms And Your FoundationWith winter quickly approaching in the PA, NJ, DE, VA, DC and MD areas, it’s time to start thinking about how this season will affect your foundation. Foundations of any sort of home tend to take something of a beating during the winter months, and with the past extreme winters we have had in this region, it’s important to make sure your foundation is prepared and that you’re not going to allow water to enter into your home through your foundation this season. Last winter’s polar vortex and dramatically dangerous temperatures may have caused cracks to begin forming in your foundation’s structure, and these cracks will only grow worse as this season continues on, so it’s always best to call the professionals to make sure that your home will remain safe during this cold weather season. Continue reading →

Foundation Repair Protects Your Safety And Your Investment

Foundation Repair Protects Your Safety And Your InvestmentHow long would you like your home to be in your family? Fifty years? A hundred years? When looking at the security that a home can bring, many people decide to plan “for the long haul.”

Traditionally, it’s been understood that a home is one of the best investments you can make. Looking at it this way guides many people’s decisions when it comes to setting up the home. Continue reading →

Get Foundation Repair Done Before It’s Too Late!

Get Foundation Repair Done Before It’s Too Late!Homeowners deal with thousands of little things every year. Keeping a home intact and looking its best can be a challenge, even for someone well versed in the many aspects of home repair.

One thing that many homeowners don’t think of too frequently is foundation repair. However, this can be crucial to making sure that your home retains its value over time. Continue reading →

What Are The Signs You Might Need Foundation Repair?

What Are The Signs You Might Need Foundation Repair?Your foundation is one of the most important parts of your home. It allows your home to be seated properly and has a huge impact on your doors and windows.

Over time, even the newest homes could face foundation problems. Foundation issues can be made worse by bad weather, improper drainage, and by unusual conditions — like the shifting of ground water. Continue reading →

Looking For Foundation Repair Experts? Look For These Four Credentials

Looking For Experts In Foundation Repair? Look For These Four CredentialsIf you’re looking for foundation repair experts to repair the foundations of your home, it’s critical that you find one you can trust fully. There’s nothing more important in the longevity of your home than your foundation!

How can you find the excellent quality of work that you need at a price that’s right for you? The secret is making sure that you find the right combination of top credentials from the company you plan to use. Continue reading →