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Basement Waterproofing

How Do Snow Melts Lead To A Leaky Basement?

How Do Snow Melts Lead To A Leaky Basement?Snow melts are big factors in winter basement leaks, and if your Maryland home springs a leak after snowfalls, you may be wondering why. Even the smallest crack or space in your foundation can let moisture in, and a leaky basement can be one snowstorm away. Once you learn just how much water goes into the ground after these melts, it becomes easy to see why winter may be the worst for you and your winter leaks. Continue reading →

Top Steps For Effective Basement Waterproofing

Top Steps For Effective Basement WaterproofingEvery inch of your home needs to be in the best possible condition in order to keep it in good working order and also to keep your family safe. Things like insulation, roofing, plumbing, and more will all have a major impact on what you get out of your home, but at AA Action Waterproofing we think it’s important that you don’t overlook another piece of the puzzle – your basement. Continue reading →

Maryland Summers And Your Basement

Maryland summers can be pretty wet, and as storms roll through to cut the summer heat and humidity to give you some relief, your basement may be feeling the opposite effect. Summertime in Maryland can mean strong storms rolling through and dropping inches of precipitation on areas in periods of hours, and each inch of water the ground comes into contact with will become more difficult to effectively absorb than the one before it. When the ground becomes oversaturated, this water will seek refuge elsewhere, and the targeted place could very well be your basement if you’re not protected. Continue reading →

Basement Waterproofing Saves You Time And Money During Any Season

Basement in luxury home with bar areaSome Maryland homeowners may think that basement waterproofing may not be worth the investment, and that their basement will be fine throughout all of Maryland’s 4 seasons. What we want to communicate is that this is often not the case, and these homeowners will frequently not learn this until it’s too late. Cleaning up after a flooded or leaky basement takes up a lot of resources, and you’ll often see that the time and the money spent doing cleanup could be better allocated to a waterproofing to begin with. Continue reading →

The 3 Steps To Leaky Basement Cleanup

Wet Faulty Builded CellarWhen you come downstairs and see that your basement has sprung a leak, it’s important to know what to do. In order to save your property, your health, and your home from the ravaging of water damage and subsequent mold growth, the cleanup process must be swift and thorough, and we at AA Action Waterproofing want to help you with the first steps you need to take. Basement waterproofing is the best way to avoid having to go through these cleanup processes, but sometimes it may take one leak to realize just how beneficial waterproofing services are. The 3 steps to leaky basement cleanup are: Continue reading →

The Top 3 Reasons You Need Basement Waterproofing

waterproofingMaryland residents are able to enjoy some of the best scenery, deepest history, and wonderful neighbors in the country. However, at times our weather isn’t what we could call ‘great’. Heavy spring and summer rains and deep winter freezes along with heavy snowfalls like the recent 2016 snowpacalypse all combine to throw some challenges at our homes. Continue reading →

Top Ways Basement Waterproofing Can Save You Money

Top Ways Basement Waterproofing Can Save You Money These days, even though the economy is on the rebound it’s still important to save money wherever you can. And one area that deserves your attention is certainly your basement. Basement waterproofing is something that can often seem like an avoidable expense, but the reality is that it’s an investment that can end up saving you a considerable amount of money – not to mention time and stress. Continue reading →

Why You Should Look Into Basement Waterproofing Before Spring

Crack In The WallSpringtime is a pretty rainy time for the Maryland region, and most areas can expect to see over 4 inches of precipitation throughout the spring months on average. Now, this is an average precipitation amount, meaning this could be less and it could be more for any particular year, but what stays the same is that this is quite a bit of water for the ground to hold. During these rainy spring days, the ground becomes oversaturated quickly, and this water will be looking for places to seek refuge when the ground can hold it no longer. Continue reading →

Top Steps For Fighting Leaky Basements

Water Dagamed FloorA wide range of different issues can impact the overall health of your home – and even impact your family’s health as well. A perfect example of this is a leaky basement. When your basement allows moisture levels to build up within it, a wide range of issues will potentially arise including things like mold growth, damaged personal property, reduced home values, and more. Continue reading →

Winter Cleanup After A Leak Or Basement Flood

Winter Cleanup After A Leak Or Basement Flood Cleanup after a basement leak or flood is never fun. It’s an expensive process, a long process, and a process that must be carried out immediately if you wish to avoid all of the additional complications that come along with mold growth. If keeping your home warm and energy efficient during the winter months is something that’s important to you, winter cleanup after a leak or flood is something that you should be really looking to avoid. Continue reading →