A leaky basement is one of the biggest problems that a homeowner can face. It can lead to huge costs, mold and mildew growth, damage to personal property, and much more. Usually, it’s fairly easy to identify whether or not you have a leaky basement and just where the water is coming from. But in some cases, we’ve seen basements where it was very tricky to determine whether or not leaking existed. Continue reading →
Basement leaks are a serious issue, especially here in the Maryland area. With an average annual rainfall of almost 41 inches and some years approaching more than 60 inches annually, there is a lot of water that can find its way into your home over the course of just a few months. Continue reading →
If you live in Maryland and the surrounding area, you’re already aware of the wet weather we can endure here throughout the year. Heavy snows, deep freezes, and as much as 41 inches of annual rainfall are all part of our climate, and your home is there to protect you from the elements. But if a leaky basement becomes a problem for you, there are numerous things you’ll have to think about. Continue reading →
When your home is suffering from a leaky basement, it can add plenty of stress and worry onto your shoulders. And with good reason – here at AA Action Waterproofing we’ve seen firsthand just how damaging a leaking basement can be. But there are numerous solutions available, and by calling on the experts you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that you’re getting the kind of prevention you need to keep your basement dry. Continue reading →
If you’re a homeowner, you already know full well that any problem with your home could be a major cause for concern. That’s especially true when water begins to find its way inside your home. The basement is the most common area of the home that will suffer from water damage, and a leaky basement is all too common in the Maryland area. Continue reading →
Your home is your castle, but without the right kind of foundation it may never be all that it could be. Protecting your investment is important, and protecting your home from water damage is one of the most important things you can do to help eliminated water related issues. Continue reading →
Your home is one of the single most important investments in your life, and it’s important that you protect it as best you can. While it’s easy to spend a lot of time looking above ground at things like siding, windows, and roofing, you need to pay attention to what’s below as well. Your basement needs to stay dry in order to ensure your home is safe and stable, and here at AA Action Waterproofing we think it’s important that you understand why. Continue reading →
Maryland can have some pretty wet weather. Snowfalls here are legendary, and when the spring comes around and all that ice and snow melts, the amount of water saturating the ground is massive. Add to that the average of almost 41 inches of rainfall that the state receives every year, and it’s easy to see that a leaky basement in your home could be taking on more water than you realize. Continue reading →
Maryland is filled with homes both old and new, and no matter which yours is, there is no doubt that you take steps to correct problems with it when you spot them. Things like a broken window or a loose shingle are fairly self-explanatory in terms of what you need to do, but when it comes to a leaking basement things can be a bit more complicated. Continue reading →
A leaking basement can cause you serious troubles. Not only can it lead to structural damage, but it can cause damage to property you have stored, set up mold and mildew problems, cause respiratory issues, and cost you a small fortune to clean and repair. That’s why here at AA Action Waterproofing we want everyone to understand just how important it is to identify a water problem and correct it quickly. Continue reading →