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Basement Waterproofing

When Should I Have My Home Waterproofed?

When Should I Have My Home Waterproofed?Many homeowners inquire about the best time to have their basement waterproofed, and we at AA Action Waterproofing say that any time is the best time! It is never too late to have waterproofing performed on your home, and even after you’ve had a flood or a leak, we suggest waterproofing to prevent the occurrence from happening again in the future. No matter the season, no matter the time of year, waterproofing is always a smart investment to make in your home. Continue reading →

How Do Dehumidifiers Work?

How Do Dehumidifiers Work?Waterproofing isn’t always the end-all be-all answer to mold, as the tiny particles of moisture in the air can be enough to prompt mold to grow. Even if leak and flood risks have been eliminated, these teeny tiny particles can still provide just enough moisture to give mold it’s trifecta for life, and one of the best ways we recommend keeping this mold out is by keeping a dehumidifier on hand. Maryland can be home to some moist air, and underground air can be moist to begin with, so investing in a dehumidifier to eliminate basement mold growth is an idea any homeowner should consider. Continue reading →

What Maryland Seasons Can Do To Your Basement

What Maryland Seasons Can Do To Your Basement Maryland’s mid-Atlantic region is rough on basements, and the frequent moisture experienced in this part of the country can allow water to make its way into your home easily. We at AA Action Waterproofing want to break down what each season can do to your un-waterproofed basement, and how waterproofing can help you to get through each season in a dry and safe way: Continue reading →

Waterproofing Homes Still In The Construction Process

Waterproofing Homes Still In The Construction Process If you are in the process of having your home built, and you want to avoid a leak or flood occurring at all in the structure, we often suggest having waterproofing performed during the construction process itself. While the basement is being constructed, waterproofing can be constructed right along with it, and this can ensure your home is truly ready to be lived in the second you move your family in! By having waterproofing performed as part of the construction process, you’re allowing yourself a home that is most likely to stay dry, safe, and mold-free. Continue reading →

Leaky Basement Vs Waterproofed Basement Comparing The Costs

Leaky Basement Vs Waterproofed Basement Comparing The Costs Basement waterproofing is a great investment to make in any home. While it may seem like a big expense at first, you’ll see just how affordable and how smart this investment is to make in the long run. When a basement leaks or floods, the costs can get as high as $20,000 in property damage and clean-up, while basement waterproofing is only a fraction of this on average. Sure, your basement may never leak or flood during your course of living in your home, but the risk is always there, and you’re not like to know or be prepared before it happens. Continue reading →

This Winter Is The Best Winter To Waterproof

This Winter Is The Best Winter To WaterproofIn truth, any winter is the best winter to waterproof, but do to the El Nino season we’re experiencing in Maryland this winter, you may find that choosing this winter is a great opportunity. El Nino winters are known to be incredibly mild in the mid-Atlantic and east coast, and with the lesser snow and higher temperatures we’re due to experience in the Maryland region this winter, you may find that you’re able to luck out by choosing this year to be the year to make the waterproofing investment in your home. Continue reading →

What Can A Dehumidifier Do For My Basement?

What Can A Dehumidifier Do For My Basement?If you’ve had your home waterproofed already, but you’re still worried about moisture coming in through the air, a dehumidifier is an excellent option. For those who have naturally humid basements, mold growth is always something to worry about, and a dehumidifier in conjunction with waterproofing services can really help to keep the mold out and keep your home healthy, safe, and fresh. Mold can grow quickly and take over your space at an alarming rate, and if this is something you wish to avoid, a dehumidifier can really be your answer. Continue reading →

Waterproofing To Improve A Home’s Value

Waterproofing To Improve A Home’s ValueIf you’re thinking of selling your home in the near future, and you’re considering what updates or improvements you can make to increase value and appeal, waterproofing is an excellent place to start. Not only does waterproofing improve the monetary value of your home, but it improves its appeal to prospective buyers as well, leaving you in a really nice position to find the right buyer and the right price quickly! Continue reading →

What Can You Do To Waterproof My Home?

What Can You Do To Waterproof My Home?One question we’re asked often is simply “What can you do to waterproof my home?” Homeowners know that they want a waterproofed and safe protected home, but they’re not completely sure the steps we take in getting there. At AA Action Waterproofing, it’s important to remember that we take a customized approach to every home we waterproof, so the steps will be different depending on the home in question, but there are a number of solutions we might apply to your home in particular. Continue reading →

What Will I Spend To Clean Up My Basement?

What Will I Spend To Clean Up My Basement?A flooded basement is a costly experience, and costly not just in the financial sense, but in the physical one as well. When your basement floods or leaks, you’re going to have to clean out, dry out, or throw out everything, leaving you in a position to take on a lot of property damage and really hard work. The cost of cleaning up a basement after a flood or leak can range between around $1,500, not included property damage, to $20,000, and it all depends on a very unpredictable factor – what type of flood or leak you’re dealing with. Continue reading →