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ALERT! Signs Your House Needs Mold Remediation

Mold is everywhere in nature, but it doesn’t belong in your home. When it finds its way in, you had better get an inspection done! Mold is toxic to your home. Mold is more than just a disgusting nuscience; it produces allergens and irritants that can cause illness and other breathing or skin problems. If you live in Virginia, it is in your best interest to treat mold with caution and contact a professional who can deliver quality service for mold remediation in Virginia. We at AA Action Waterproofing have a team of proficient experts who investigate the cause of your mold problem and provide a way out. Don’t allow a minor mold problem to grow into an infestation. Stay away from the affected area and not disturb or touch any mold you find.

In many cases, most experience some health problems due to mold, but are unsure as to the cause of their symptoms. In short, they are not aware of the signs of mold growth in the home. Here are a few warning signs which you should not ignore:

Visible Signs:

Many homeowners mistake mold with dirt or soot. This can cause the mold to go unnoticed, which allows it to grow into a much bigger nuisance. There are many different types of mold which may appear as gray-brown, black, gray-green or white. It primarily grows where there is moisture. This includes the space behind vinyl and wallpaper. If you spot any discoloration anywhere in your home, call us immediately for cost-efficient Mold Remediation in Virginia.

Health Issues:

If you or any of your family member is facing a constant battle with allergies, there may be some kind of mold presence in your home. It could be under the sink, under the bathroom cupboard, near sink pipes, or in unseen places like the basement or the foundation. Large mold outbreaks cause nasal congestion, watery or itchy eyes, lethargy and much more. If anyone is suffering from any of these symptoms inside the home, and if these symptoms clear up in other environments, get a remedication check up.


Even before you see mold, you can generally tell if it’s present because you’ll notice a musty odor lingering in the air. Take this as a warning to call a professional! Mold may be growing between your walls or beneath the floorboards. We recommend you call us immediately so we can respond with Mold Remediation in Virginia.

If you encounter any of the signs as mentioned above, all you need to do is call us for Mold Remediation in Virginia. The AA Action Waterproofing team of experts is here to provide you the best, most cost-effective solutions for residential and commercial space waterproofing. Still not convinced? Get a free estimate today! Just fill the details mentioned in this link and we will get back to you promptly.

This entry was posted in Mold Remediation on May, 16, 2019