Winter: Your Home’s Silent Enemy
Winter is almost upon us and you know what that means. That’s right, higher energy bills! But, this shouldn’t be your only concern. There’s another sinister problem that can happen and make things worse. What is this issue? A leaky basement.
If your basement isn’t professionally waterproofed, the excessive precipitation and cold temperatures that come with the season can cause issues that will eventually weaken the foundation of your home. For instance, as the snow around your home begins to melt, moisture can seep into the foundation and cause leaks in the basement. Other issues that can harm the structural integrity of your home include:
- Melting Snow: During the warmer winter days, melting snow turns the ground to mush. This sudden influx of moisture can increase the hydrostatic pressure on the ground. While this may not sound like such a big deal, hydrostatic pressure generates enough force to actually push the foundation, which can lead to cracks and water seepage.
- Freezing/Thawing: Temperature change can also spell trouble for your foundation. When the water that has seeped into the concrete freezes, it swells and makes the foundation heave. When the water thaws, it contracts, making the foundation settle. All this movement can cause cracks to form.
- Frozen pipes and discharge lines: If the pipe that’s connected to your sump pump freezes or bursts, it can cause water to flow into your basement instead of out of it.
Keeping Your Foundation Safe
The snow and ice of the winter season can wreak havoc on the foundation of your home. But, there are some things that you can do to help maintain the structural integrity of your home. For instance, when shoveling snow, simply piling the snow away from your home can help reduce the moisture that can seep through the concrete. You can also:
- Keep gutters clear: Clogged gutters increase the chances of water pooling near your home’s foundation and eventually making its way into the basement. Melting snow water should drain at least five feet from your house.
- Make sure your sump pump is in optimal working condition: Double check your sump pump to make sure that it doesn’t have any places where water can collect. If water accumulates and freezes, it can interfere with your sump pump’s operation and possibly damage the unit.
Because of the issues that the winter season can bring, one of the best times to waterproof your basement is during the fall. So, don’t wait a minute longer, call the professionals at AAction Waterproofing today for a free consultation. Our almost thirty years of experience guarantees your peace of mind this winter.