Maryland’s Long Range Forecast For Winter 2016 And Your Leaky Basement
January held in its grasp a big snowy surprise for Marylanders, and it’s important to remember that winter is not over yet. Although we’re in the final full month of winter, and March will be here before we know it, the long range forecast for Maryland shows that we’re not out of the cold yet. Both February and March are expected to hold cold spells and snows littered between warm-up periods that should hold plenty of melt.
February has already had a bit of a snowy start, with showers far from rare. According to the Farmer’s Almanac long range forecast for Maryland, we can expect some more snow showers and quite a cool down throughout the rest of the month. Into mid-February we can expect to see some of our coldest temperatures, which can do a number on foundations that may have any cracks or damages needing repair. These extreme temperatures can cause cracks to become larger, allowing moisture to really be able to find its way into your home.
Early March is also expected to be quite cold, but it’s the end of March that is being predicted to have some more snowfall to watch out for. If the Almanac predictions are true, we can expect another burst in snow activity for the end of March, followed by the warm temperatures of spring coming through to warm up and melt the snows, sending a lot of water into the ground with little to no place to go.
Luckily, if you wish to prepare your basement before the end of winter, it’s not too late. By calling us at AA Action Waterproofing today, we can prepare your home to deal with the rest of winter, so you can sit inside with a cup of cocoa enjoying the snow coming down, and you’ll have no worries about your basement getting wet!